Turn Your Knowledge & Expertise into an Online Business using Kajabi


"Virginia, are you REALLY a Kajabi Expert?"

YES! I am of the select few invitation-only Preferred Providers with Kajabi LLC and am available on the platform as an expert for hire. Not only that, but Kajabi is the ONLY PLATFORM I'm an expert in. I'm not a generalist for seven platforms, just this one.
"Virginia is extremely knowledgeable with Kajabi. She helped me figure out a number of things that would have taken me a lot more hours on my own. She has a calm demeanor which I appreciate because I tend to get crazed with technology! Highly recommend."
- Jennifer Cavallaro of Upward Spiral Fitness

"Virginia is BEYOND incredible! She offered value 10X the price I paid. HIRE her!"
- Rob Murgatroyd of Work Hard Play Hard

"I was so nervous to use a VA but Virginia changed that for me! I will be working with her over and over! Excellent service, communication and highly recommended!" - Amy Lee Kimbrell of Amy Lee Hair Artist

⭐ Expert-vetted & pre-screened by Upwork as top 1% talent
⭐ Vetted by Kajabi LLC as a Preferred Expert
⭐ Dozens of Google Reviews, all five-star
⭐ Kajabi beta tester of new features

As Featured In...

My Core Business Values:

  • Good communication is key. Good communication is important to me. I will always get back to you in a timely manner and would never ever "ghost" you or make a promise I cannot keep.
  • I want the best success possible for my clients. I'll always be on the lookout for your students/clients' best interest when reviewing your website. Your customer journey is key to sales. Your success is my success!
  • If I don't know the answer, I'm going to do my best to find it for you. I'm going to share outright if I don't know the answer to your question. Honesty and integrity are important personal values I hold.

"Virginia was like an answer to a prayer. After dealing with finicky freelancers who seemed to be gone with the wind, she has been a breath of fresh air. What I am also learning from Virginia is that by her teaching me to do the work myself I am becoming a better marketer and utilizing Kajabi so much more than I was before." -Cheri Ruskus of Business Victories

Begin With this Step-by-Step Action Plan
and Launch Your Online Business Sooner Than Later!!
Virginia Stockwell, Kajabi tutor

Virginia Stockwell


Originally from southern California,
then Charlottesville, VA and now in Austin, TX as of April 2023.


  I help coaches, consultants and online course creators build a personal brand with screen share tutorials and "do it for me" services, but my passion project is the

Expert to Income Step-by-Step Business Plan.

"I cannot recommend Virginia highly enough...


1. She took an outdated website and created a new website for me with the most relevant parts of my content - enhanced it to look updated and relevant and did this all at a price that was better than I could have hoped for.

2. She created a digital course for me - taking 20 years of my experience and helping me to organize it and format it and get it up and running - from the modules to the emails to the sales pages - she walked me through every step and her turn around time was incredibly fast!

3. She acted as a business coach, giving me guidance along the way. She went above and beyond what I even expected in terms of providing knowledge and guidance and expertise. She saved me probably thousands of dollars and also kept me focused an on the right track.

Virginia is really a one stop shop! I had looked at many courses and coaches and the prices were too high and I didn't know what direction to go in. Virginia single handedly helped me to launch this new business. And she even gave me pep talks and sanity checks along the way. I do not think this project would have come to fruition without her. I highly recommend her!!" 

 - Elizabeth DeRobertis of the GPS Weight Loss Program

Virginia Stockwell, Kajabi tutor

I started off just like you...

I had a service-based business for years, then one day realized I could help so many more people if I created an online course.

With sixteen client families, I had been a personal chef cooking inside their homes until COVID hit.

Coincidentally, just six months before COVID, I had begun creating an online course teaching others how to start their own personal chef business. 

Yes, this website is built on Kajabi as well as my online course How to Become a Personal Chef >> 

I've since mastered the Kajabi platform and my digital course mostly runs itself.

Now, I can spend my time assisting other course creators and coaches in bringing their products and services to more people by taking their business online.

Virginia Stockwell, Kajabi tutor

I've helped hundreds of professionals including physicians, yoga instructors, project management consultants, attorneys, relationship counselors, breathwork masters, nurses, spiritual guides, solar consultants, NLP practitioners, golfers, baby sign language coaches, diversity trainers, motivational speakers, athletic coaches, fantasy footballers, Realtors, authors, speech therapists, dancers, nutritionists, dog trainers, life coaches, emotional literacy trainers, beauty business coaches, acting coaches, grief counselors, quilters, preschool teachers, hairdressers, human resource professionals, chiropractors, voice coaches, and other occupations launch online courses, membership subscriptions, digital products, consulting and coaching programs.


I look forward to helping you as well.

Virginia Stockwell, Kajabi tutor
Digital Course Freelancer, Kajabi tutor


Which of the following do you need help with?

  • "I've just figured out what to offer, but I'm not quite sure how to create the idea into something sellable. I need someone to guide me on next steps."
  • "I'm trying to DIY my Kajabi website but am getting frustrated with the amount of time I'm wasting trying to learn the platform. If only somebody would screen share and show me quickly how to do things I want done (or just do them for me)."
  • "I need help with everything - how to film my online course, how to create a website, how to market, the whole enchilada."
Schedule a Consult

 Contact Virginia


Working Hours
M-Th 9am to 4pm Central Time 
Fri 9am to 3pm