30 Day Free Kajabi Trial

You have $1M trapped inside your head...

Everyone is an expert at something.

Step #1 Dial in what that niche is, who it is that wants to learn from you, and finally what platforms to reach them.
Step #2 Design a marketing strategy to reach that target audience and find out what they want and how they want it.
Step #3 Build a course, group coaching, or mentorship program based on what your audience is telling you they want.
Small Steps, Big Results
Learn More >>

Edition 13: July 9, 2024 - Consistency is the fruit of the tree of success.

Kajabi Survey & Community

Kajabi Tutoring. Concise and Actionable. Every Tuesday.


Improve Your Business with 3-2-1.

3 New Kajabi Upgrades

2 Tips for Survey Design

1 Single Biggest Factor Driving Members to Cancel


4th of July in America means hot dog. Why did the hot dog turn down the job? Because it couldn’t ketchup with all the work. Doh.


Three New Kajabi Upgrades 

Kajabi has been busy!


#1 Klarna

AfterPay's limitation is $2,000. Enter Klarna with a limit of up to $10,000. Click on "Pricing" inside your Offer to turn on this payment option. Kajabi Payments must be set up first.

#2 Cohort Course

Design a new course and you'll likely discover the new option of Cohorts (rolling out to most users now). Use a countdown timer on your sales page to show the limited enrollment period for the current cohort.

#3 Coming Soon... Limited on Number of Seats "Countdown"

Inside an offer, you're currently able to set a max number of sales before a purchaser reaches a "sold out" page. Coming soon, that limited number countdown will be able to be displayed on a sales page. Sounds perfect for projecting urgency!

...and apparently there's a newsletter feature rolling out shortly where your audience can comment on the email ...not sure what that one is about quite yet but stay tuned. 


NEW! Community Offer:

I'll help you set up a vibrant, interactive community on the Kajabi platform. You'll receive a fully branded community space that reflects your unique identity and values.

An inviting welcome page will be created along with integrating and branding your course, a video tutorial to navigate your new setup with ease, branded checkout pages that enhance your professional image, and an exclusive eBook packed with strategies for member engagement and FAQs to ensure your community thrives. I need this >>

What's included:

  • Branded Kajabi Community product
  • Branded welcome page with onboarding instructions, community monthly schedule, FAQ, contact form, instructions on how customers can self-update billing, and more
  • Any accompanying course or membership resource area will be branded
  • Community and course linked together
  • Recorded video tutorial on how to use the features of your community
  • Two branded checkout pages designed (one each for monthly and annual subscriptions)
  • Thank you for your purchase page and thank you email will be automated
  • 40-page eBook on membership engagement, marketing, and retention strategies 

Get it here >>

Kajabi Communities
Kajabi Community Build, click on photo


Two Tips for Survey Design


#1 Simplicity.

Asking a dozen, "explain further" or "elaborate on your answer" will cause most folks to abandon the survey. Multiple choice or multiple selection are ideal with maybe one question where further commentary can be added.


#2 Brevity.

If you received an email that said "this survey will take about 10 minutes" - you would likely think, "okay, I'll come back to do it later"

...but then later it becomes not as important. Surveys taking under 2 minutes are ideal.


One Single Biggest Factor Driving Members to Cancel




Contributing Factors...

  • Content Overload: Providing too much information at once can make members feel they can't keep up. Pacing the delivery of content is helpful so it's digestible and manageable.
  • Complexity: If the material, quizzes, or homework are too complex or difficult to understand, members might feel overwhelmed and unable to fully engage with the membership.
  • Lack of Clear Guidance: Without clear instructions or a guided path to follow, members can become confused about where to start or how to proceed, leading to feelings of overwhelm.
  • Expectations: High expectations for participation or progress can pressure members, causing them to feel they are not meeting the standards set by the membership.

The Art of Designing a Monthly Membership Model (Step-by-Step)


My LinkedIn Articles:

The Art of Designing a Monthly Membership Model (Step-by-Step)

10 Genius Prompts for the New GPT-4o

2024 Kajabi SEO for Beginners

Step-by-Step: Designing an Online Program as a Coach or Consultant

How to Escape the Income Limitation of 1:1 Coaching

Kajabi 2024: More Than a Course Platform!

Entrepreneurship: What could cause a Failed Launch?



Rebrand: an IG Makeover ($47 off with this link)

Group coaching agreement, T&Cs for courses, and more (use code GET15OFF)

Give the Gift of Kajabi to Your Colleague (30-day free trial)

Trademarking (use code DIGICOURSE50 for $50 off)

Business Headshots on the cheap


What I'm Reading Right Now...

The Maxwell Daily Reader: 365 Days of Insight to Develop the Leader Within You and Influence Those Around You - I've actually never been in corporate so haven't read any manager or leadership books. Thought I'd check it out and see what the hype is all about. Have you read it?



Look for me again next Tuesday. Best wishes and much success to you,

Virginia Stockwell, Kajabi Tutor

Learn why Kajabi is as incredible as witnessing a double rainbow after a storm.

Have you noticed that the line above changes each week?

I have a fun time writing it 😂😉 


Work With Virginia

Disclaimer: I am not an employee or representative of Kajabi, LLC. I am an independent Kajabi Partner and I receive referral payments from Kajabi in this role. All opinions expressed herein are my own and are not official statements of Kajabi or any party affiliated with Kajabi.

👉Really, I'm just a huge fan of Kajabi! Just check out everything it can do!

Why use Kajabi for your Coaching or Consulting Business >>


You've always said that "someday" you'll start that coaching or consulting business, but where do you begin?

The First Steps to Starting a Successful Online Coaching or Consulting Business

It’s time to share your expertise through group coaching, a membership and/or an online course. Step-by-step, this manual will guide you.

Part 1: FAQ: How much will I make? How long until success? And more...

Part 2: Step-by-Step Build a Brand

Part 3: Step-by-Step Designing a Marketing Plan

Part 4: What is Kajabi? 

Download Now >>

Learn More About Kajabi

and how to propel your business with this all-in-one platform

Kajabi FAQ

You've always said that "someday" you'll start that coaching or consulting business, but where do you begin?

The First Steps to Starting

a Successful Online Coaching or Consulting Business

It’s time to share your expertise through group coaching, a membership and/or an online course. Step-by-step, this manual will guide you.

Part 1: FAQ: How much will I make? How long until success? And more...
Part 2: Step-by-Step Build a Brand
Part 3: Step-by-Step Designing a Marketing Plan
Part 4: What is Kajabi?