30 Day Free Kajabi Trial

You have $1M trapped inside your head...

Everyone is an expert at something.

Step #1 Dial in what that niche is, who it is that wants to learn from you, and finally what platforms to reach them.
Step #2 Design a marketing strategy to reach that target audience and find out what they want and how they want it.
Step #3 Build a course, group coaching, or mentorship program based on what your audience is telling you they want.
Small Steps, Big Results
Learn More >>

Edition 15: July 23, 2024 - Consistency. Turning 1 day into a lifestyle.

Kajabi Lifestyle Shift

Kajabi Tutoring. Concise and Actionable. Every Tuesday.


Improve Your Business with 3-2-1.

3 Workbook Ideas to Enhance Your Online Course

2 Strategies to Avoid Legal Trouble

1 Lifestyle Shift


I'm in Dallas right now. My husband is here for an Agile convention and I tagged along. Yes, I had to Google what Agile Alliance was too, and I still have no idea what he actually does šŸ™ƒ


Three Workbook Ideas to Enhance Your Online Course 

When creating a workbook to accompany your online course, how about one of these styles...

 #1 Reflection Workbook: include prompts and questions that encourage students to reflect on what they’ve learned

#2 Action Workbook: provide exercises and tasks that students can complete to apply the course concepts in real-world scenarios

#3 Assessment Workbook: design quizzes, checklists, and self-assessment tools to help students measure their progress and identify areas for improvement


NEW! Community Offer:

I'll help you set up a vibrant, interactive community on the Kajabi platform. You'll receive a fully branded community space that reflects your unique identity and values.

Get it here >>


Two Strategies to Avoid Legal Trouble

Safeguard all your hard work.


#1 Intellectual Property Infringement: When a student purchases your program, they have access to everything. Are you protecting yourself from one of your students (purposely or accidentally) using your copyrighted materials (text, images, videos) without proper permission or licensing? Do you have any Terms of Use that are in place and to be read and acknowledged prior to purchase?


#2 False Advertising and Misrepresentation: You may accidentally be doing this right now. On your sales page, are you making any exaggerated claims about your program outcomes, qualifications, or benefits? You may need a disclaimer on your website stating that "these are not typical results" for some of your testimonials. 


Oh yes and I haven't even mentioned your group coaching program. You're filming your clients faces and voices then making the recordings available for the whole group. Are you covering yourself with a disclosure to avoid violations of privacy law and consent requirements? It's essential to obtain explicit consent from all participants and clearly inform them how the recordings will be used and shared.


Get those legal docs in place >> (use code GET15OFF) link for US-based businesses only

Trademarking (use code DIGICOURSE50 for $50 off)


One Lifestyle Shift


Consistency. Turning one day into a lifestyle.

Really, this can apply to your personal, spiritual, physical or business goals. It’s the small, daily actions that compound over time that create significant, lasting changes.

Imagine a single day where you decide to wake up early, exercise, eat healthy, and focus on your goals. Now, imagine doing that every day.


That is how you build a lifestyle.

Begin by integrating small, manageable habits into your daily routine. Whether it's drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning or taking a 10-minute walk before heading into your home office, these small actions lay the foundation for larger changes.

Define what you want to achieve with your new lifestyle. Consistency thrives on routine. Set a daily schedule that includes your new habits. Over time, these actions will become second nature.


Turning one day into a lifestyle is about showing up every day, even when it’s hard, and trusting the process. Over time, these consistent actions will transform your daily habits into a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.

Read more about Atomic Habits >>


My LinkedIn Articles:

The Art of Designing a Monthly Membership Model (Step-by-Step)

10 Genius Prompts for the New GPT-4o

2024 Kajabi SEO for Beginners

Step-by-Step: Designing an Online Program as a Coach or Consultant

How to Escape the Income Limitation of 1:1 Coaching

Kajabi 2024: More Than a Course Platform!

Entrepreneurship: What could cause a Failed Launch?



Rebrand: an IG Makeover ($47 off with this link)

Group coaching agreement, T&Cs for courses, and more (use code GET15OFF)

What is Kajabi (30-day free trial)

Trademarking (use code DIGICOURSE50 for $50 off)

Business Headshots on the cheap


What I'm Reading Right Now...

I'm just not this week. Kinda busy designing a new stealth product...



Look for me again next Tuesday. Best wishes and much success to you,

Virginia Stockwell, Kajabi Tutor

Learn why Kajabi is as essential to your online business as a barista is to a hipster coffee shop.


Work With Virginia

Disclaimer: I am not an employee or representative of Kajabi, LLC. I am an independent Kajabi Partner and I receive referral payments from Kajabi in this role. All opinions expressed herein are my own and are not official statements of Kajabi or any party affiliated with Kajabi.

šŸ‘‰Really, I'm just a huge fan of Kajabi! Just check out everything it can do!

Why use Kajabi for your Coaching or Consulting Business >>


You've always said that "someday" you'll start that coaching or consulting business, but where do you begin?

The First Steps to Starting a Successful Online Coaching or Consulting Business

It’s time to share your expertise through group coaching, a membership and/or an online course. Step-by-step, this manual will guide you.

Part 1: FAQ: How much will I make? How long until success? And more...

Part 2: Step-by-Step Build a Brand

Part 3: Step-by-Step Designing a Marketing Plan

Part 4: What is Kajabi? 

Download Now >>

Learn More About Kajabi

and how to propel your business with this all-in-one platform

Kajabi FAQ

You've always said that "someday" you'll start that coaching or consulting business, but where do you begin?

The First Steps to Starting

a Successful Online Coaching or Consulting Business

Itā€™s time to share your expertise through group coaching, a membership and/or an online course. Step-by-step, this manual will guide you.

Part 1: FAQ: How much will I make? How long until success? And more...
Part 2: Step-by-Step Build a Brand
Part 3: Step-by-Step Designing a Marketing Plan
Part 4: What is Kajabi?Ā