30 Day Free Kajabi Trial

You have $1M trapped inside your head...

Everyone is an expert at something.

Step #1 Dial in what that niche is, who it is that wants to learn from you, and finally what platforms to reach them.
Step #2 Design a marketing strategy to reach that target audience and find out what they want and how they want it.
Step #3 Build a course, group coaching, or mentorship program based on what your audience is telling you they want.
Small Steps, Big Results
Learn More >>

Edition 8: June 4, 2024 - Too much time THINKING will never get it done.

Kajabi Tutoring. Concise and Actionable. Every Tuesday.


Improve Your Business with 3-2-1.

  • 3 Emails to Automate for New Purchasers
  • 2 New Kajabi Features
  • 1 Exciting New Affiliate


I've been working on adding one to two 10-minute yoga sessions at the start and end of my work day. Wow, it's a productivity and energetic game changer. Highly recommend. On to what you came here for...


Three Emails to Automate for New Purchasers

When someone purchases your program, do you welcome them with open arms and provide the feel goods about choosing you? Or, are you sending them straight to the library without a welcome page or welcome email?

Let's ensure you're providing the best purchase experience possible ...


#1 Welcome Email

Of all the other coaches and consultants out there, they chose you. Here's what to include in the welcome email:

  • Congratulate them for investing in themselves and this program
  • Provide any instructions on how to navigate the program
  • Share directionals about what they should do first 
  • Describe what to expect as they move through the program
  • Instructions on how to access the community forum
  • Let them know that you're available for questions, free and paid 

#2 Check-in Emails

A week into the program, it's helpful to nurture your new clients/students with check-in messages. Ask how it's going and if they have any questions. As the weeks or months go by, numerous check-ins will remind them that the program is there waiting for them if they have not yet finished. Cheerlead them along.

#3 Request testimonials

After several weeks or months, or after a particular module has been completed, an email can be automated to request feedback on the program. If that email was not clicked, additional emails can be automated as well.


New to Kajabi or are you a founding member of the platform?

The Kajabi Mastery Program will help you make the most of the money you're spending each month on this robust marketing storefront tool. 

Kajabi Mastery Program >>

Mastery begins with mapping your customer's journey to visualize the desired path, followed by 1:1 Zoom sessions that detail how to use Kajabi's features to maximize revenue opportunities. Transform your business by choosing from 12 or more Zoom sessions, each tailored to your level of understanding of the platform.

Kajabi Mastery - 🥷

Kajabi Mastery Program >>

Two New Kajabi Features

#1 Klarna

With Kajabi Payments, you can offer After Pay for monthly installments, get all your money upfront, and have After Pay set up the payment installment plan on their end.... but only up to $4,000. Now with Klarna, you can offer payment plans up to $10,000. This feature is in beta, available very soon. Check it out in action here >>

#2 Bulk Comments Off

Oh my gosh, FINALLY. By default, when creating a new course inside Kajabi, comments are automatically turned on, meaning everyone who purchases the course can comment and see everyone else's comments. This is not ideal for every program so sometimes it should be turned off. You used to have to go into each lesson and click it off and now FINALLY there's a bulk off/on. Yay! Look for it inside your course lessons. This feature is available now. 


One Exciting New Affiliate

#1 It's the Fabulous Kat Coroy's Program - Instagram Makeover

$47 off your Instagram Makeover >>

Her promise is that she will get you in the top 1% of Instagram accounts with your business being seen as the best of the best, rising to the top of your industry.

She's worked with some of the biggest London brands as a brand designer and it shows. Her course includes step-by-step lessons that more than 19,000 students have been through (including me).

It's not about creating an Instagram account, it's about designing a brand. She'll show you exactly how to design a brand that emotionally connects to your target audience.

And her sales page is absolutely stunning, totally worth a glance >>




Further Reading and How-to:

2024 Kajabi SEO for Beginners

Step-by-Step: Designing an Online Program as a Coach or Consultant

How to Escape the Income Limitation of 1:1 Coaching

Kajabi 2024: More Than a Course Platform!

Entrepreneurship: What could cause a Failed Launch?


Affiliate Tools:

Protect your online course with legal agreements  (use code GET15OFF)

Why Kajabi  (30-day free trial)

Ready to write a book (mention my name for special treatment)

Trademark help from attorneys (use code DIGICOURSE50 for $50 off)

AI Business Headshots for under $20

Master the Kajabi Platform with 1:1 Coaching

Redesigning Your Brand with an Instagram Makeover ($47 off)


What I'm Reading Right Now:

How to Get Strangers to Want to Buy Your Stuff

How to Nail Product Positioning So Customers Get It, Buy It, Love It



Look for me again next Tuesday. Best wishes and much success to you,

Virginia Stockwell, Kajabi Tutor

Learn why Kajabi is the best thing since discovering group texts can be muted. 

Work With Virginia

Disclaimer: I am not an employee or representative of Kajabi, LLC. I am an independent Kajabi Partner and I receive referral payments from Kajabi in this role. All opinions expressed herein are my own and are not official statements of Kajabi or any party affiliated with Kajabi.

👉Really, I'm just a huge fan of Kajabi! Just check out everything it can do!

Why use Kajabi for your Coaching or Consulting Business >>


You've always said that "someday" you'll start that coaching or consulting business, but where do you begin?

The First Steps to Starting a Successful Online Coaching or Consulting Business

It’s time to share your expertise through group coaching, a membership and/or an online course. Step-by-step, this manual will guide you.

Part 1: FAQ: How much will I make? How long until success? And more...

Part 2: Step-by-Step Build a Brand

Part 3: Step-by-Step Designing a Marketing Plan

Part 4: What is Kajabi? 

Download Now >>

Learn More About Kajabi

and how to propel your business with this all-in-one platform

Kajabi FAQ

You've always said that "someday" you'll start that coaching or consulting business, but where do you begin?

The First Steps to Starting

a Successful Online Coaching or Consulting Business

It’s time to share your expertise through group coaching, a membership and/or an online course. Step-by-step, this manual will guide you.

Part 1: FAQ: How much will I make? How long until success? And more...
Part 2: Step-by-Step Build a Brand
Part 3: Step-by-Step Designing a Marketing Plan
Part 4: What is Kajabi?