Kajabi SEO for Beginners - check out the show notes

Step-by-Step How to Improve Your Website for Search without paying for pricey software or being a tech genius

From a Kajabi Expert, you're about to learn how to leverage SEO to improve your Kajabi site's visibility and attract more organic traffic. It's what we all want to improve website sales - more eyeballs on our stuff!

In case you didn't know already, Kajabi is a popular platform for creating and selling online courses, memberships, and other digital products.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of improving your site's visibility on search engines like Google. 

Higher visibility increases the chances of attracting organic traffic. The goal is to optimize your website to rank higher in search engines for keywords that relate to your business.


Step 1: Choose Keywords you want to rank for

You want to be the website that comes up first in search, but have you thought about what key words or phrases you would like to be known for? 

The words a user types into the search bar in Google are known as keywords, usually 1-3 words.

If you're first thinking you want to rank for "project management consultant" or "wedding planner", remember that you would likely be directly competing alongside companies with big bucks to spend on paid advertising. Because of their budget, they're always going to outrank you for those most searched keywords. 

Instead, the strategy is to be known for more specific, longer phrases of 4+ words such as "wedding planning for Texans" or "project management consultant for Agile methodologies". 

But...how do you know what phrases are going to work best for you?

👉TAKE ACTION: Open up Google search and begin typing keywords for your niche. Notice how Google tries to fill in the search for you, offering 4+ word phrases that others are searching for - also your opportunity to rank for these phrases. As well, you can roll further down the search page and see even more short phrases highlighted in gray ovals. 

  Google Search: Kajabi SEO


Step 2: Kajabi SEO - Landing Pages

In Kajabi, navigating to Website >> Landing Pages reveals a list of pages you've created. 

Clicking the 3 parallel dots to the right of the webpage name reveals "Edit Details". This is where you can update the page's URL, page title and page description to enhance it's SEO. 

If you don’t update this information, Kajabi will use the name you gave to the page, such as “Home" or "About" which is doing nothing for your search ranking.

Of course you'll want to include your keywords here.

  • URL: using lowercase only, keep it short while briefly describing the page with hyphens to separate words (not underscores) and include a keyword if possible
  • Page Title: include a keyword that is relevant to your page and give each page a unique title
  • Page Description: give each page a unique description - note that this description doesn’t influence rankings, but a good description helps people decide if they want to visit your website

  Kajabi On-Page SEO 


Kajabi SEO - Website Pages

The difference between a Kajabi Website Page and a Landing Pages is that landing pages are standalone, meaning you can change the header and footer and it will only affect the one page. 

On the other hand, updating the header or footer on a Website Page will cause all the pages in that list to update.

SEO for all Website Pages are located in just one area. You'll head to the main navigation and click Settings >> Site Details then roll to the bottom of the page to find "SEO and Social Sharing". 


How to Improve SEO for Kajabi Website & Landing Page Content

You may have created your web pages considering the aesthetics but choosing from the various font sizes using (Heading1, Heading 2, etc.) actually helps or hurts your SEO.

On-page SEO Best Practices:

  • Use just one Heading1 per page 
  • Include your main keywords in Heading1 (relevant to the page)
  • Use no more than two Heading2 to include your 4+ keyword phrases
  • Feel free to use an unlimited number of Heading3, Heading4, Heading5, Heading6 (to include keywords) as needed 
  • Perform a word count on the page noting that the best performing are 2,000 words or more
  • Include the keywords in the first 200 words of the page
  • Attempt to choose .jpg images over .png images as the first will upload faster and site speed is everything 
  • Before uploading an image to a page, consider renaming the file to describe it in a few words (key phrases), while avoiding vague file names such as "image 5"
  • In the area for uploading any image on a page, you'll see "Image Alt Attribute" where you can add any SEO keywords that would apply to this particular photo. This can be completed with different keywords for every image on the page. 
  • If a paragraph has an internal or external link, attempt to highlight real words from the paragraph as the hyperlink (instead of "click here") 
  • When designing navigation or linking to another Kajabi page, better SEO is gained by using the full URL (http://www.website/landingpage) of the page rather than the shortcut of "/landingpage"

  Heading1, Heading2, Heading3 - Kajabi SEO


Step 3: Kajabi SEO - Mobile View

At the top of any Kajabi webpage is an option to view on desktop or mobile. Take a look at the mobile version for every single page.

If any text or images are cut off, that really needs to be improved to be considered "a good website" for Google standards.


Step 4: Kajabi Blogging for SEO

With the emergence of Chat GPT and other LLMs, there's no excuse for not having a weekly blog at minimum. 

The more words on your website, the more Google has to work with. They would be more likely to offer your website in search if a blog post contained exactly the keywords your audience would likely type into search.

If your website has a simple home page, sales page, and no blog, it is not a likely candidate that Google would suggest as an authority on your subject.

A blog could change that. This weekly blog could consist of informative articles, transcript of your podcast, or script from your weekly YouTube channel. Consistency is everything in keeping your website appearing alive and relevant.

Kajabi SEO - Blog Page

From the main navigation, choose Setting >> Blog Settings where you'll see the area to update the SEO settings of your blog.

  • Page Title: include a keyword that is relevant to your website and give each page a unique title
  • Page Description: this description doesn’t influence rankings, but a good description helps people decide whether or not they want to visit your website

How do I optimize my blog posts on Kajabi for SEO?

  • Insert keywords into the title, headings, and throughout the blog post
  • Within the blog post, include links to other relevant posts related to the article topic with the goal of including 1 link for every 200 or so words
  • When linking, avoid "click here" or "learn more" as the clickable phrase but instead hyperlink to your favorite keywords
  • Include external links to provide additional value (ensuring each link opens in a new window so the visitor is not leaving your website altogether)
  • Before adding an image, consider renaming the file to describe it in a few words (key phrases), while avoiding vague file names such as "image 5"
  • When designing a blog post URL with keywords, use lowercase only and keep it short while briefly describing the page with hyphens to separate words (not underscores) 

Step 5: Set up a Custom Domain

Kajabi does not offer URLs for purchase. It will need to be purchased elsewhere then set up on Kajabi to become a beautiful URL: https://www.digitalcoursefreelancer.com

If you do not set up a custom domain, it will look like this:


Not only does the latter looks unprofessional, the search engines will not enjoy it either. 


Best Wishes, Virginia Stockwell, Kajabi Tutor

Learn why Kajabi is the best thing since macaroni met cheese. 


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