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Too busy or overwhelmed to even start your online idea?

"I've always wanted to start a coaching or consulting business,  

...but just can't seem to find the time."


Small Steps, Big Results 

is the step-by-step program that guides aspiring coaches and consultants to design a profitable business without spending hours a day.  You'll move out of overwhelm and into action so you can stop delaying your future.

Join at Founding Member Pricing
For a Limited Time


Too busy or overwhelmed to even start your online idea?

"I've always wanted to start a coaching or consulting business,  

...but just can't seem to find the time."


Small Steps, Big Results 

is the step-by-step program that guides aspiring coaches and consultants to design a successful business without spending hours a day.  You'll move out of overwhelm and into action so you can stop delaying your future.

Join with Founding Member Pricing
for a Limited Time

This program is for you if you are...


👉A 9-5 employee who’s under appreciated (and underpaid), ready to change how you work and what you earn

👉An online business owner eager to see your reach and revenue go WAY up (without spending more hours at your desk)

👉A yoga instructor, attorney, spiritual guide, physician, project management consultant, relationship counselor, breathwork master, nurse, solar consultant, NLP practitioner, golfer, baby sign language coach, diversity trainer, motivational speaker, athletic coach, fantasy footballer, Realtor, author, speech therapist, dancer, nutritionist, dog trainer, life coach, emotional literacy trainer, beauty business coach, acting coach, grief counselor, quilter, pre-school teacher, hairdresser, human resource professional, chiropractor, voice coach...

... you name it ... who wants to build a profitable business online (yes! I've seen all these professions become profitable)

52 Week Business: Small Steps, Big Results 

Your Year-Long Strategy
for Success

The program includes five weekly emails, each with a single action step that can be completed in just 15min.


The program is ideal for those with full-time jobs who can't seem to find the time to launch their coaching or consulting business.


Day 1 Email: A 15-minute action step arrives immediately upon purchase.

The entire program is also accessible online, with new content released weekly. By the end of the year, you'll be amazed at how far you've come.

52 Week Business: Small Steps, Big Results 

Your Year-Long Strategy
for Success

The program includes five weekly emails, each with a single action step that can be completed in just 15min.


The program is ideal for those with full-time jobs who can't seem to find the time to launch their coaching or consulting business.


Day 1 Email: A 15-minute action step arrives immediately upon purchase.

The entire program is also accessible online, with new content released weekly. By the end of the year, you'll be amazed at how far you've come.

Small Steps, Big Results

Achieve Your Business Dreams

15 Minutes at a Time


Imagine a blueprint that maps out every step you need to take to transform your aspirations into reality. Wouldn't it be invaluable to have clear, actionable guidance to navigate the journey toward your ideal life?


That blueprint is finally here.


If you work best with a step-by-step approach, you're going to love this comprehensive 52-week program consisting of 15 minutes of action steps each day. You'll receive everything needed to design the business that's going to turn your dream into reality. Dedicating 15 minutes a day of focused effort will accomplish so much. 


The problem is that most people spend years delaying that first 15min.


What's Included...

The Program:
Small Steps, Big Results

Your scalable business will be up and running by the end of one year.



With guidance, you'll define a distinct brand personality that reflects your values and resonates with your target audience so you'll stand out in the market and become the obvious choice among competitors. 


Lead Generating Website

You'll design a professional, conversion-focused website that showcases your unique value and services as well implement numerous lead generating strategies to capture and nurture potential clients around the clock. Your website will act as a 24/7 salesperson, driving growth and expanding your reach effortlessly.


Customer Journey Optimization

Effective sales funnels (a series of emails and landing pages) will be designed that bring your leads through a seamless journey from awareness to conversion. This will all be automated yet personalized so leads feel nurtured and relationships grow organically. These sales funnels run behind the scenes to drive a business of consistent growth and revenue.


Marketing & Content Strategy

A comprehensive marketing and content strategy will be developed that consistently delivers value to your audience. You'll create engaging and targeted content that builds trust and authority in your niche. This strategy will work continuously to attract, engage, and convert ideal clients.


Business Systems

Efficient business systems will be designed to streamline operations and enhance productivity so none of your time is wasted doing busy work. You'll develop processes for each category of your business including collecting KPIs, batching content, analyzing conversions, bookkeeping, customer interactions, and more.


Scalable Online Program

Most importantly, you'll create a business that scales so you're not stuck doing 1:1 work forever.

You'll create modular content that can be easily updated and expanded. Automated systems for enrollment and delivery of the program will be implemented.

Your content strategy will drive leads to your email list and optimized sales funnels will then drive those leads into the offer to join your online program.  


Next Steps

When the program ends, it doesn't stop there.

By this time, you will have the knowledge to regularly perform comprehensive reviews of your business to identify strengths and areas for needed improvement.

The program concludes with developing strategic goals and an actionable plan for the upcoming year to ensure  you stay aligned with your long-term vision of a profitable coaching or consulting business.

If you're looking for daily guidance on what actions to take that move you step-by-step closer to success, this is exactly what you need.

By the end of a year

  • you’ll know exactly who you help
  • you'll have your messaging dialed in
  • you'll know where to find your followers
  • and you'll have an online program to scale your business from the start 💰


This program is like having a business coach by your side every single day with the day's task that is going to propel your business forward.


Founding Member Pricing of 50% off
until the clock runs out

This is the only time the program will be available at the founding member pricing.

👉Price will increase forever once countdown ends.
Receive self-paced coaching at an unbelievable price!









52 Week Business:
Small Steps, Big Results

50% off
until the countdown above ends



lifetime access

  • 52 Weeks of Emails moving you toward success
  • One 15 Min Task x 5 Days a Week 
  • By the end of a year, you'll be amazed at how far you've come!
  • Entire program is also accessible online
  • BONUS: 30-Day Access to the Kajabi Resource Library packed with how-to videos for your DIY journey. 
  • BONUS: 30-Day Access to Community Forum for Q&A
Yes, I'm In!

Money-Back Guarantee

If you don't love this program, message within 14 days and receive your money back.


But, what if I fall behind...


"Maintaining momentum for that many weeks seems daunting."

You're absolutely right. That's why built-in breaks and catch-up weeks are integrated within the year-long program. These pauses ensure you have ample time to recharge and reinvigorate your mind, keeping you on track without feeling overwhelmed.


"Is it REALLY only 15 minutes a day?"

Each daily task should take you about 15 minutes. Of course, if you’re the type of personality who is going to obsess, over-reach, or perfect each task, it may take you longer. The idea is to make decisions quickly, not necessarily precisely. Your business is going to change and evolve over time. Nailing the perfect copy for your bio in one day is unnecessary when the truth is that you’ll be revisiting it and improving it slowly over time as you get to know your target market better and better.


"I'm not sure I can commit to 5 days a week"

Not only will the program be emailed to you five days a week, it will also be dripped out a week at a time inside a portal that can be accessed anytime so you can alternatively go at your own pace.


"I don't have a clear plan of the value I have to offer."

The program is designed to help you identify and articulate your unique strengths and expertise. Through guided exercises and step-by-step instructions, you'll gain clarity on your skills and how they can benefit others. You'll learn how to package your knowledge into valuable offerings that resonate with your target audience. By the end of the program, you'll have a clear and confident understanding of the value you bring to the table, enabling you to move forward with purpose and assurance.


How it Works

The program is presented over a period of 52 weeks of emails that will arrive at the same time every day.

After purchase, you'll receive a link to kick off your journey whenever you're ready. Simply click to receive your Week 1, Day 1 email. Following that, you'll get four consecutive daily emails to complete your first week—five emails in total. This pattern continues weekly for 52 weeks, guiding you step-by-step toward your goals.

Sample Week, choose to start on Mondays

M – 15 min email task

Tu – 15 min email task

W – 15 min email task

Th – 15 min email task

F – 15 min email task

Sa/Su - no email

This program is so comprehensive, it allows you to fall behind. It's inevitable that life happens. One task may feel overwhelming. You may begin to doubt yourself that you're actually making any progress. Some days you just don't feel like it. That's okay. Breaks are built in. Mindset check-ins are built in.

If you work best with a step-by-step approach, you're going to love this comprehensive 52-week program consisting of 15 minutes of action steps each day.

You'll receive everything needed to design the business that's going to turn your dream into reality.

Okay, I'm In!

One Email. One Task. Five Days a Week. One Step a Day.


Yep, that's me, Virginia!

I'll be your dedicated guide and cheerleader on this journey from “someday” to “day 365” of your coaching or consulting business. Each day, I’ll be sending you a quick, actionable step to help you turn your dreams into reality.

Every email is crafted to motivate and inspire you, helping you overcome self-doubt and stay committed to your goals. You'll be provided with clear, actionable steps that are easy to follow and implement. There’s no fluff – just straightforward advice to move you forward.

I've worked with hundreds of amazing current and future thought leaders. It's not just my experience you're getting, it's also everything I've learned from my clients' experiences as well.

- Virginia Stockwell, Business Coach & Kajabi Expert

What you're going to learn in this program is BRAND MESSAGING.

Brand messaging is how your brand communicates its values, mission, and unique selling points to your audience. It's what you want people to know, feel, and remember about your brand.  It's the story you tell about your brand and how you tell it.

It will take time, but the day you are finally able to nail your specific brand's messaging is the day that you fully understand your target market and their needs. Until you understand your target market, you'll remain in the beginning stage of your business. 

Why does it take so much time to fully define your brand messaging? It's because it takes time to get to know your audience.

  • They will message you questions and after a while, you'll notice they're the same questions over and over. 
  • You will begin to see a pattern in your client demographics. Similar client demographics are asking for your services.
  • You'll notice that different clients are approaching you for services and often relay the same needs.
  • You may even realize that there's a pattern of clients asking for x, but what they really need is y.

As you can see, you'll have to begin working with clients for a period of time before beginning to define patterns.

This program will show you how to get there.

This is a brand new program.

It's being launched at beta pricing for a limited time.


The mistake that most people make is that they think the "do it yourself" route is cheaper. What they don't take into account is how slow and ineffective that can be. You may have already found that the more you learn about digital marketing, the more overwhelmed you feel. 

Instead of everything all at once, you'll learn and implement one small step at a time.

Founding Member Pricing of 50% off
until the clock runs out

This is the only time the program will be available at the founding member pricing.

👉Price will increase forever once countdown ends.
Receive self-paced coaching at an unbelievable price!

I'm Ready
to Start the Program!











TODAY is the 1st Day of your
Successful Coaching or Consulting Business.

I'm Ready!

Founding Member Pricing of 50% off
until the clock runs out

This is the only time the program will be available at the founding member pricing.

👉Price will increase forever once countdown ends.
Receive self-paced coaching at an unbelievable price!