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Kajabi is a robust platform that acts as your coaching/consulting website as well as client interface for your online program and community

Which Kajabi plan should I get?

Coffee energizes your day.
Kajabi energizes your business.

What makes so Kajabi great is that it's All-In-One Platform

  • Create website pages (optionally replace your current site)
  • House your email contacts (replace MailChimp or other service provider)
  • Design a course or coaching program behind a pay wall
  • Offer group or 1:1 coaching sessions right inside Kajabi
  • Make coaching session recordings available for replay behind a login wall
  • Community forum includes online Meetups, Challenges, Feed & more
  • Automate opt-in, purchase and onboarding email sequences
  • Collect payment via credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, After Pay, Klarna, PayPal
  • Craft offers of full pay, payment plan, subscription, or "pay what you can"
  • Segment email contacts based on filling out forms or clicking on links
  • Set up webinar funnels, live workshops, open/close cart, and more
30-Day Free Kajabi Trial

Which Kajabi Plan Should I Get? And Other FAQ...

30-Day Free Kajabi Trial
Schedule a free consult with Virginia, Kajabi Expert
30-Day Free Kajabi Trial

Disclaimer: I am not an employee or representative of Kajabi, LLC. I am an independent Kajabi Partner and I receive referral payments from Kajabi in this role. All opinions expressed herein are my own and are not official statements of Kajabi or any party affiliated with Kajabi.

You've always said that "someday" you'll start that coaching or consulting business, but where do you begin?

The First Steps to Starting

a Successful Online Coaching or Consulting Business

It’s time to share your expertise through group coaching, a membership and/or an online course. Step-by-step, this manual will guide you.

Part 1: FAQ: How much will I make? How long until success? And more...
Part 2: Step-by-Step Build a Brand
Part 3: Step-by-Step Designing a Marketing Plan